Saturday, November 8, 2008

Holy Cow This is so Cool!! Hayden Will LOVE This!

OK, go to this blog and look at the youtube thing she has on there. It's so dang cool! Even if you're not a Star Wars fan you can still appreciate it. I can't wait to show it to Hayden because he LOVES all the shows that are mentioned.


Laurel said...

Hey are you friends with Mrs. Navel gazing? I got a message for her from yours truly. Thanks for sharing. Grey loved it.

P.S. My link should read QWNBEE because I am. I sound old as Laurel Harness. I'm NOT old.

AS Amber said...

No, I'm not friends with her. I just stalk her blog. I found her from the super hopeless romance blog. I seriously LOVE her though!