Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alright forget it...

...I can't get the video to upload on this blog or on youtube so you'll just have to take my word for it. That he rolls and that he's ADORABLE! He slept for a long time today and I wonder if he's getting sick or teeth. I don't want him to do either but of course I'll take teeth over being sick. Or maybe he just thinks that being off the charts for his height isn't tall enough. Either way, I don't think he feels very good today :(
So I started exercising today. (Thanks to my BFF from high school, Heidi. She's given me the inspiration I need!!!) I went a mile on my treadmill in twenty minutes. Yay me! Then I proceeded to eat french fries and red vines and ice cream/cake for dinner. Baby steps, right? I'm firmly resolved to get in shape. I absolutely hate the way I look and feel right now. I used to think I was the FINEST thing ever. I was confident in walking into a room full of people and KNOW I was the cutest one there. Whether I was or not...I felt like I was. Now I don't have that self confidence and I want it back. So my goal is to get in shape this winter. The time is going to go by anyway. I might as well not get mired down in depression like I do every winter. Come next spring I'm going to have my self confidence back. I'm going to hold my head high again. I'm going to be the "cheerleader" Tavis married. And I'm going to run/walk a 5K with Heidi. Just telling the kids that I went a mile on the treadmill today made my kids want to outdo me. They both got on the treadmill and ran and ran. A lot faster than I did, in fact. (Oh to be 7 again!) I want to be a good example for them. I don't want them to grow up unhealthy. They don't lean toward being overweight now but who knows what their futures hold. I am NOT backing out of this. This is happening!!! Now that I've put it on paper...well computer, it's sooo going to happen!
K, well, that's it I guess. We have a pretty busy weekend ahead. Friday Avery has a piano recital. Sunday they have their primary program. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

SO, you made me an accomplice to your non-diet eating? I'm so ashamed! Next time it's rice cakes and water!