Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Guess What I Found??

The melted phone! I set it in a pan after I took it out of the oven and put cold water in it. I thought I'd thrown it away but when I went to do the dishes, there it was!!

Some of you asked if the potatoes were ruined and the answer is, no. I was only pre-heating the oven so I hadn't put them in yet. Thanks for your concern.

This is the back.


Kristina P. said...

I'm sure if you stick it in a bowl of rice, it'll be good to go.

Unknown said...

KP, I thought that was brown sugar. Hmm. That might explain my sticky cell phones.

And A, I hope you're planning on replacing that phone soon. I've never known anyone so thoroughly addicted to the telephone as mister Harley.

Annette Lyon said...

Wow. That's seriously demolished. Perfect ending to the almost post!

Just SO said...

That is awesome. I can smell the melted plastic right through my computer.

Elisa said...


mCat said...

I bet Harley wouldn't even notice anything wrong. Just a little duct tape and it'll be good to go.

GreenJello said...

Better the phone than a melted kid! I remember that photo of Harley in the oven.... :)

wendy said...

You ought to save it for Harley...then when he gets old enough to ask for a cell can hand him that one.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yikes! They keep us jumping, don't they?