Sunday, May 23, 2010

And That's Why It Took Me All Day To Do This Post

Today my baby turns TWO!!!!! I just can't believe it. The time goes so fast!

He's been the light and the life of our home these past two years. Before I met Tavis I knew I was done having babies. I didn't want any more. And now I just can't imagine our lives without him.

He's the funniest, nicest, sweetest, CUTEST little boy in the world. He really is just so nice and pleasant. He's just so fun to be around.

He talks so cute. He's so playful. He's funny and pilly and clever. He's a snuggler. He loves to sit on my lap and just chill.

He wakes up in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning or even at night before he goes to sleep and he wants "wottet". Which, literally translated, means "Rocket" from his favorite show, "The Little Einsteins". I swear, he better be a freaking GENIUS when he grows up or I'm suing someone.

He loves tractors and dad's truck and being outside and his little dog, "Futty" (Fluffy). He loves his brothers and sister. He'll eat anything we put in his mouth. He looks at the picture of my dad on our fridge every day and says, "there's papa!".

He gets nervous around strangers so when he warms up to you, it's a real treat. He's very attached to mom and dad. He loves to go "bye bye" and asks to go somewhere every day. He gets that from me. I like to bum around, too. Every single time Tavis puts his shoes on to go somewhere, Harley will take one and put it in the corner by the front door. Then Tav has to ask him to go get it and he does.

He lights up our lives. He makes each day worth getting up for. He makes my big burly husband talk like a baby. He snaps me out of a depression. He truly is a gift from heaven. I can't believe I'm the lucky one who gets to be his mom!

Happy Birthday, Harley! You are one of the most loved kids in the world!

This is Harley on Mother's Day
Harley and Tavis on the "hoe" spoken of in the previous post
Harley and "Papa" at his first birthday
The day he was born...
Six days before he came to our family...


Vanessa said...

#1 I can't even believe my eyes, you actually blogged.
#2 You are a cute pregnant girl.
and #3 Happy little Harley! You are a cutie!

Kristina P. said...

I was really hoping you were going to post a video of him reciting the Declaration of Independence, while throwing BBQ sauce on me.

Look at you, you hot mama!

Unknown said...

And when you stand up from the couch, he immediately hops into your place and chirps "I dot you 'pot!" And he allows Fluffy the chance to reflect on her life every day as it passes before her eyes, hauled in gravity-defying positions by the birthday boy.

Love that picture of him with his dad. And with ours.

AS Amber said...

Oh my heck, DeNae I can't believe I forgot to say that! That's seriously one of his best tricks! LOVE IT!!

I know, I know. It's a miracle I blogged. Did I mention I HAVE A TWO YEAR OLD????

Ya, KP, he totally talks CIRCLES around that show off, Moxie!! HAHAHA!

mCat said...

Oh my, what a CUTIE!!!

Toddlers are the best.

Happy Birthday Harley!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Cute little guy!

Emma said...

Time goes so fast... What a little stud.

wendy said...

Oh Amber, I am so happy to see a post from you I check your blog every day to see if you have posted something.
I love you and always will.
I remember cute little Harley from when we went to lunch together and all his cut BLONDE hair and he was so good.
I KNOW how much you must love him.
I love that picture of your prego self. Where does the time go.,...I am sure you must be thinking.
I believe your dad watches over him and your family and smiles.
I understand the JOY he brings to you

so happy birthday sweet Harley (greatest name eve'ah)
and I miss ya

tiburon said...

I think you look smokin hot pregnant!

And Happy Birthday :)

bernthis said...

oh yes, the times does fly. My daughter turns 7 in August. Surreal. Happy Birthday to your little boy and here is to many many more

Just SO said...

Happy Birthday to awesome Harley! He is seriously cuteness incarnate.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

He is a cutie patootie. And I was loving your big ole hair 6 days before he was born. hee hee

So fun to sit and share tampon stories with you!