Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What The Aitch Ee Double Toothpick?

Yesterday, Harley and I had been at the store. He knows that when we're done, he can ride the Dumbo thing outside. Parked in front of the Dumbo were two children's bikes. This is a picture of one of them.

Now I ask you: What's wrong with this picture?


Kristina P. said...

Bwahahaha. Send it to the Fail Blog!

Kristina P. said...

How could you not know about this site?

wendy said...

Ok Amber....HELP ME here
I, um, am afraid to admit it cause I don't see what's wrong with that picture.
I love Tinkerbell...what am I missing.
I know I am old, brain cells dieing off by the minute
I'm bloned, perhaps the peroxide assisting the death of brain cells.
I am going blind........
HELP ME........
I saw a Camel....was that a hint?? of what was wrong.

mCat said...

I had to look twice but yes that does appear to be a pack of camel smokes in the tinkerbell bike pack. dumbasses

DeNae said...

I'm telling you, Utah county is morally bankrupt. Morally. Bankrupt.

Jessica said...

Awesomely wrong! Kids are starting younger these days (now I sound old).

wendy said...

thanks for filling in the dumb blonde Amber

Becca said...

Here is what's wrong: Everyone knows Camels are for men, Tink is for pixies. Virginia Slims are the only true Pixie smokes.

Just SO said...

Bahahahaha!! That is fabulous. I hope you sent it to Fail Blog as per Kristina's suggestion.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I guess Utah isn't as Zion-like as I previously assumed.

Thanks for the comment.

I knew most of the planet knew that DeNae was the one with her face in the Diet Coke, but there are a few unlearned.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...'re Aunt Amber!!!!

Vanessa told awesome stories.

Just kidding.


Jillybean said...

I'm sure she was just holding onto them for a friend.